You can now Donate or Create a Monthly Recurring Payment to the Masjid using the form below
Standing Order
Please donate to the Masjid by way of direct debit. This is not only an efficient way of collecting funds but it also gives us the facility to claim the tax you have paid on your donations by way of Gift Aid. Gift Aid increases the value of the gift you make to the masjid, for example, if you give £10 using Gift Aid that donation increases to £12.50. To learn more about Gift Aid, click here.
Please print, fill in this Standing Order form and submit to Aylesbury Ghausia Mosque.
Alternatively, you can set up a standing order using your online banking facility but if you do that then please contact the Mosque and sign a Gift Aid form so we do not miss out on re-claiming your tax for the benefit of the Masjid.
Direct Transfer
You may transfer money direct into our bank account, details are as follows:
Lloyds TSB
Sort Code: 30-90-38
Account Number: 00995110
Please contact us if your donation is for a specific cause with details of the transfer.
You can donate via cheque. Please make it payable to “Aylesbury Mosque” and send to:
Aylesbury Mosque
Havelock Street
HP20 2NX