Gift Aid
What is Gift Aid?
Gift Aid is a UK government scheme that allows registered charities such as Aylesbury Ghausia Mosque to increase the value of your donations by claiming back income or Capital Gains Tax you’ve already paid.
Gift Aid allows you to increase the value of your donations by 25% at no extra cost to you.
We can claim Gift Aid on your donations if you are a UK tax payer and have paid income or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the amount of Gift Aid claimed on your donations. So, if you donate £100 you must have paid at least £25 (0.25 × 100) in tax. This applies also if you are a lower or higher rate tax payer.
How to register
In order for us to claim Gift Aid on your donations you must complete a Gift Aid Declaration.
Click here to download declaration form. Once completed please submit to the Mosque for processing.